• Apple Garamond, Helvetica, Merrion Square and Symbol Fonts
• QuickTime 1.5 (or greater)
Memory Requirements:
The AMTK interface requires at least 2500K. This means you will need at least 5 megabytes of RAM in your Mac to use all the features of AMTK.
Color Monitor Note:
The monitor should have a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels or greater, and a color depth of 256 colors or greater.
System 7 Note:
The AMTK interface uses many of the special features in System 7. If you are still using System 6, please upgrade soon. Future versions of AMTK will use many new System 7 features such as IAC, Publish and Subscribe, and QuickTime.
PageMaker Note:
The AMTK interface requires PageMaker 4.2 (or greater). For the best performance, PageMaker should be installed on your hard drive. If you do not have your own copy, you can drag the PageMaker folder from the AMTK CD-ROM to your hard drive. The first time you run PageMaker, it will ask you to find its internal “PM4.2 RSRC” file. This file is inside the Aldus folder which is in the PageMaker 4.2 folder.
Font Note:
You must have the fonts Apple Garamond, Helvetica, Merrion Square and Symbol installed in your system. These fonts are required for use with the Apple Media ToolKit CD and are provided on the AMTK CD. Printing problems may occur without these fonts installed properly. Please consult your user manual or the Read Me files included on this disk for instructions on font installation.